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Showing posts from August, 2019

Root Canal Treatment – An Effective Way of Preserving Your Oral Health

The endodontic treatment is utilized to save a tooth which is severely decayed; the nerve and pulp removing procedure will cause enormous pain but without treatment, the tissues surrounding the tooth will get affected. A calcium root canal consists of blood vessels supplying oxygen and nutrients when decay in the outer layer affects some blood vessels; it will get infected causing swelling and pain, which left untreated, can cause more damage. Steps in endodontic therapy A dental Surgeon analyses the extent of damage caused and later provides anesthesia or appropriate pain medication; afterward, he makes a small access hole in the surface to remove the infected area. Next; he decontaminates the affected area by cleaning with tiny files, and then he fills the empty area using cement-like substance and adhesive material, this filling prevents further contamination by food or saliva. Time is needed to recover; hence chewing and biting in that particular area mus...